Riley and her Random Musings

Whenever and if ever I feel inspired to "blog," here's where you'll find it. Thanks for stopping by.

Monday, July 16, 2007

16 July 2007
The Scottish/Irish adventure with my family is officially underway. I'd like to take this moment to compliment Continental Airlines on the awesome flight experience that I had traveling here to Glasgow from Newark, NJ. For a domestic airline, I was fairly impressed with how nice the service was and how much food we got on board for free. The only downside? Well...

Some of you have often heard me b*tch and moan about how much I hate checking luggage. There's a perfectly good reason for this complaining: Four out of five people will get their luggage lost or delayed. Today, I got to be person #5 as both my sisters and my parents pulled their bags off the carousel while I watched go 'round for a good 15 minutes without seeing my bag. Thank the Lord there's a change of underwear and toothbrush in my bag, and thank the Lord even more that I am traveling with two sisters who are close enough in size that we can share clothes. The soonest I'll get my bag will be tomorrow afternoon as the bag will take today's flight from Newark, arrive in Glasgow, go through Customs, get transferred to a courier, and be driven 3+ hours to Inverness where my family and I will be staying tomorrow. This all assumes the bag is still in Newark and not rotting in the Alaska Airlines wing back in Seattle. Ugh.

Otherwise, the day has been okay. Since today is a "free" day on the tour, my family and I spent the first half taking a nap and the second half cruising a major pedestrian shopping street two blocks away. Whoops, about to run outta time. more to follow momentarily...


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